Warhammer 40K Mat's Chaos Vs My Orks

We played on my table which usually hosts 54mm scale games so the first moves were just that - moves. The big 'hole' on the right we diced for and it was designated a mountain rather than a lake of chasm, which could not be fired through (but let us get to the middle of the table to move figures). Five dice were placed around the table, mostly at corners and we rolled to see where our troops began. There were three moveable objectives around the battlefield.

Mat had deep striking terminators that misshaped so I placed them on  corner as far from the action as possible. My five war buggies arrived outflanking and shot at Mat's defiler until it charged them but it tied the great thing up for a while so it was not attacking or shooting at my main force. My 15 commandos, with Snikrot sneakd in from reserve to destroy some Chaos marines and take the objective from them. They then made a run for it as Chaos units closed in on them. ork bikers rode on to the hill to assist their ork brothers.

                             Snikrot is on the home rum to safety despite his commandos suffering some casualties from pursuing Chaos warriors. The bikers protect their flank.
                                        Chaos troops claim an objective.
                                     The Chaos Defiler spends most of the gamen chomping on ork buggies.
                                                    The pursuit from the Chaos side.

                            The orks took no chances with these demonic types and zonked them with the Big Mek's shokk attack gun. The lone survivor was gunned down by overwatch as he attacked the bikers.

                                                          View from the ork trucks.
                                      Ork looters with Def guns make short work of a Chaos metal beasty nasty The Big Guns further forward took out the Chaos rhino guns.
                                           Gretchin arrived too late to take part in the battle.
                                                    Shokk Attaack gun with shoota boyz
                                  Deff guns with the second Big Mek with Shokk Attack gun.

The game went for ten moves resulting in an ork victory. Each side had one objective with the orks close to obtaining another, if only they could climb to the top of the ruin! So close and yet so far! But the orks also got 'first blood' by wiping out the first unit. Snikrot should get a medal for this!


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