Grand Fenwick to the Rescue

Grand Fenwick, in a gesture of solidarity, has sent half of its army to assist a fellow mouse of a nation, Gerolstein. The two battalions dressed in business suits and borded the train, travelling first through Bluesia. On arrival in Gerolstein they put on their uniforms and assembled their weapons.

Seen above are the forces of Grand Fenwick supported by a Gerolsteiner machinegun, crewed by sailors from the Gerolstein navy. (The Gerolstein navy is largely confined, in its endeavours to Lake Alexi, as Gerolstein has no coast).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


  1. Love the Grand Fenwick chaps.I had pondered over getting some medieval figures for their army too. I look forward to the coming battles!

  2. This is a brilliant idea and has got me thinking about other combinations for my own gaming endeavours

  3. Great mix of figures here, I love mixing various periods together even in the same force.

  4. I think that that post was the all time favorite of blog viewers.

    1. I am not surprised it's got me thinking of lots gaming ideas...

  5. Really love the archers! I donā€™t have really any medieval figures except for a Marx castle with plastic knights.

    1. I painted those Airfix ones in the 1980s and 90s.


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