American Loyalists, American Revolution

One figure I have read states that one third of the American colonists in what was to be the USA supported the revolution, one third were neutral and one third were loyal to Britain. Although it wasn't THE Civil War it was A civil war as well as a war for independence. Who was 'loyal' and who was a 'traitor' would be very subjective in this situation. The British government handled things very badly and gave the revolutionaries plenty of ammo to persuade the doubters. On the other hand the British government thought the colonists ungrateful as the British army had defended them against Indians and French and required them to contribute to the cost through taxes. There were, though, colonists who thought separation from the mother country unthinkable. After the war many of them, understandably, moved to Canada.

The loyalists were also called Tories and wore British red uniforms but also green ones. A long time ago I thought this would be an interesting variation. I have only eight painted but one day may bring them up to twenty or so. These figures are a mixture of Accurate and metal figures, I am not sure of the latter's make but possibly Authenticast.


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