Op Shop Farm Aquisition

I rarely find really collectable figures in the opportunity shops - that's charity shops for my overseas readers. I do, however find useful toys and bits and pieces. This barn looks good when painted and it is an older Hong Kong plastic building. I already had a couple of them, although the roughly painted one shown has a broken staircase. This particular op shop find included a bag of plastic animals and farm people sticky taped to it. I had to be careful not to break off parts of the barn when I removed it. The rider on the mule is a nice figure, probably a copy of a Britains figure. As for the animals, copies of English figures, I didn't really need more but I especially like the poultry and particularly the ducks; I like the charging duck and with a few more I could make a wargame unit of brave duck warriors. Yes, I am joking. However, I do remember a certain collector, Peter Macarthur who collected Hong Kong figurines, who was collecting HK cows. When he obtained a swag of them from Bob Bolton Bob quipped that he could paint the horns on one of them gold and he could be the cow commander!



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