More Bogavanian Russian Type Analogues In Progress.

My Bogavanians are intended as vaguely Eastern European - Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Czech, etc. In actuality most of them are in Western medieval armour. But I am doing more in pseudo Russian type armour. Below are my latest conversions. I love these figures that were copies of Timpo action pack and once very common. They were so cheap to buy at a few cents per figure in bags with working catapults. I have already converted them in many ways. With these unfinished ones I trimmed the chainmail legs to represent less heavily armoured troops as mat has chosen a lot of 'heavy infantry' in his army. The helmets were, with putty, made more pointed and a pattern made around the sides by imprinting with the end of a dip pen. I have done the same with some mounted figures.

I saw a reference with green boots and striped trousers and went with it. The second figure at front I left with original helmet unchanged just for variation. I don't like all my figures to look to similar - must be my anarchic side.

Strewth! So many projects and not enough hours in the day!

So here they are finished except for flocking and varnish:


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