Quantrill's Space Orks, my other hobby

Well, it's not a completely different hobby. Space Orks are just a type of alien soldier. Unlike my 54mm collections this is 28mm, although some orks grow considerably bigger. My students first got me interested in Warhammer and Warhammer 40k about fifteen years ago. I started with a few Space Marines but then realized that the wildly anarchic and blackly humorous orks were more my style, especially as you could convert their vehicles from kids' toys. Other 40k gamers shook their slightly disproving heads and said I was the only person they knew who played 40k without using 40k models. They may have been jealous or perhaps they just lacked imagination. I started with boxes of Hero Quest and Space Crusade figures I'd picked up at flea markets, converted Mac Donalds toys and toy robots. Eventually I bought recent new stuff as well.

The fighter jet is made from bits from historical aircraft kits and some wire mesh added over the ork pilot. It is painted red becauuse 'red ones go Fasta'.

The battlewagon I bought with a box of other ork vehicles, all of them lovingly made by someone from toy vehicles with bottletop wheels.
The figures are all conversions with some Games Workshop parts and toy robot bits merged. I have also used Inquisition figures which are cheaper than GW and just as good.


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