Waterloo in St Leonard

Greetings to new viewers from Belgium. Two weekends ago I met eight fellow wargamers and collectors at St Leonard west of Melbourne to refight Waterloo in 25mm. David Palmer hosted the event at his holiday house. We had a great view of the sea and a sunny weekend. Two of our number drove for seven hours from Adelaide. My road trip was four and a half hours.
I was on the French side and held the left flank for 'Jamie Napoleon'.  The British and allied side was led by 'Bob the Pirate Wellington' complete with his pirate bicorne and surgical face mask to contain his flu!
It was difficult going for the French but by move twelve we had made progress, including tentatively capturing Hugemont. My artillery did good service and the enemy cavalry charge halted. On move 15 the Prussians arrived on the right flank but too late to win the game for the allies. The game was a standoff.


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