Editorial from the Redian Times on the Crussian Campaign.

Some debate has occurred in the international community about the responsibility for the recent war. Redian newspaper commentaries have reflected the usual fair mindededness. (This is a result of the good sportsmanship reflected in Redia's game of cricket, the good breeding of Redia's aristocracy. The middle classes have also set the tone with their high moral code and hard work. The lower classes have tried, of late, to emulate this, and of course, our newspaper encourages this with its widening circulation.There has been right and wrong on both sides, as is to be expected of foreigners! Redia, on the other hand would always have right completely on its side!)

Hermany has, predictably, placed the whole blame on Crussia's provocative initial incursion into Hermany. A number of atrocities had also been perpetrated on civilians by the 'Black Cossacks'.

Crussia has, however, recently released classified documents that show that Herman agents had facilitated the return to Crussia of the notorious anarchist revolutionary, Ninel. fortunately for the Tsar and Tsarina, a plot to kill them had been thwarted and a large number of anarchists rounded up. Ninel is still at large but all sympathy for his cause appears to have disipated, notably after the public release of the documents showing duplicity from Hermany. This, in fact had motivated the initial Crussian attack on Herman soil. The recent invasion has created solidarity in Crussia and some revolutionary exiles have claimed that this was the real reason for the Crussian provocation. (All anarchist attacks ceased during the recent campaign due to the lack of support in any class of Crussian society).

A report on the military side of the campaign will soon be made by our war correspondent, Winston Churchwood.


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