Redia Gets Ready: Churchwood Reports.

The Redian general staff are divided on their use of motor transport, the more traditional preferring the four footed variety, as illustrated by Brigadier Sideburn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
11th Hussars
                                          Redian guardsmen in great coats.       

If you look carefully you will see in the background some experiments by Redian scientists in improving the domestication of various varieties of fowl. Tremendous improvements have been made in the size of the creatures and two of their eggs could comfortably feed a company of soldiers. The other military implications have not yet been fully explored. Such developments closely parallel those described, in another universe, by the writer HG Wells in his short story, Food of the Gods.

The two chickens have been affectionately named by the scientist, Alexander Mc Pecky, Scruffy (the black one) and Sabrina, (the brown one). His affection was somewhat diminished after the mysterious disappearance of his pet alsation and his junior assistant. Some have suspected fowl play. Others have been concerned that the scientist's cat, Fang, has partaken of the growth formula and it is running loose in the countryside. He takes a particular interest in the cavalry and likes to 'play' with the horses. In the background his ears can be seen towering over a horse. His carnivorous nature makes him another prime suspect in the disappearances of the dog and the lab assistant. A giant saucer of milk is currently being used to tempt the ferocious feline into a large enclosure as the Redians are very fond of their pets and loathe to harm them. However, some have suggested a military usage for giant animals, if only they can refrain from eating their own side.

Having returned from one war's ending it seems that the outbreak of peace in the world may be short lived. Here in Redia war is on everyone's lips. Lord Gallstone believes he can get a peaceful treaty with Kaiser Conrad. I believe that the bloody nose Army Black got in Crussia has only made the Kaiser more determined to retrieve Herman  honour.  Our government may have considered this as a possible outcome and have allowed for some defence build up, not enough, in my opinion..

Here in the Redian countryside the 33rd Pictish Highlanders are on manoeuvres with the 3rd Redian lancers. There has been some grumbling about the new muddy coloured uniforms and officers elsewhere have held on to Redian scarlet. The Cornish Grenadiers have also switched to this unwholesome but effective colour, although they have retained their bearskin hats.
 Colonial Cavalry: Skinner's Horse

A Redian general observes the troops.

                                               Redian stretcher bearers practise their skills.

This is an older photo of Redian troops. It shows a variety of uniforms, including some from half a century previously. It is not known if the Redian Army was conducting a historical reenactment or if there is an experiment in reintroducing some earlier styles. The Redian colonels have considerable freedom in their choice of uniforms. You might also note the presence of a Herman soldier; this was in the days previous to the current deterioration in Redian-Herman relations.

Redian cavalry. Princess Mary can be seen observing the troops.

Redian guardsmen. In the background can be seen civilian observers, a colonial lancer and Redian commanders.

Redian cavalry, still in their tropical, colonial uniforms.

Auzland First Cavalry. Auzland is known for its capable mounted infantry but also maintains purely cavalry units. The 'Auzies' have served the empire well in imperial wars and they are even better at reminding everyone of this at any opportunity!

64th Foot

A soldier's life is full of potential destractions from duty!



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