Dicovering just how much stuff I've got

It has been a few days and I have removed half the sodden carpet. I've lost count of the boxes I've moved - boxes of zouaves, HK cowboys and Indians, WW2, polystyrene boxes full of Call to Arms, Airfix, and Accurate figures I have barely opened, boxes of HO which I have only a passing interest in, boxes of Epic comics, boxes of castle and fort walls and a Timpo train which hasn't seen light of day for three or more years, ancients, medievals, SF and old travel diaries, photos and cartoons by yours truly.

The room is slightly less wiffy but there is still half the carpet and three cabinets to go to go. ( fortunately other cabinets were on a raised step and were not affected. I'd take a photo of the unbelievable mess but I can't find my camera.
Some good things have come from the disaster though; I looked through a whole lot of stuff I hadn't seen for years, I finished a new medieval display and a 'Redian' display complete with Royal carriage, commanders, ceremonial troops (combat uniforms in my games) and civilian onlookers and I got rid of some junk. I have taken precautions against a repeat of the disaster by a/ clearing the leaves I could get at - blast those house roofs overhanging extension roofs - spot, b/ drilling holes in the guttering to have somewhere else for excess water to go, c/ covering the top and back of cabinets with polystyrene and plastic and on top of that placing open containers to catch water - worst case scenario-and I'm not going to have new carpet!
Bad things: I put my knee through a cabinet glass door (but came out of it with minor scratches) and broke another when moving the cabinets (fortunately the cabinets had rear and front glass so it didn't matter too much - I replaced the rear glass with light blue polystyrene, I have reduced time for painting toy soldiers, I had to re-pack things in new boxes, the connected garage is now full of stuff from the rumpus room, and I am thinking I have too many toy soldiers!.


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