ACOTS 2012

Another ACOTS Easter convention has been and gone, this year in Adelaide. There was the usual wargaming day and swapmeet day.

I aquired many new figures, some of which I shall feature in coming posts. Many rare and not so rare figures changed hands, along with a great deal of cash.

The wargames involved approximately 5000 Carhaginians, barbarians and Romans in three sessions of six separate one hour battles  played simultaneously. The rules were simple and easy for non-wargamers to follow, as many of the participants wargame only once year.                                                                                                                            

The overall champion was Dave Palmer, followed by Bill Pike. I managed to win none of the official games but managed to have a win in a non champoinship game when my barbarian lights swamped the armoured Romans

One of the players tactical decisions was whether to employ phalanx. Its disadvantage was less flexibilty but its advantage was the troops lasted longer in melee.

A team game was also played with three players a side and 2000 troops. This resulted in a narrow victory for the Romans.
Bob Bolton has posted a large number of photos on the Funny Little Wars Yahoo groups site and I shall post more photos as they are sent to me. The first photos are of the swap meet and Steve Wardle's display rooms with appreciative ACOTS members.

Below are some displays and activity at the swap meet organsied by Brian Wagstaff:

Below are photos of Steve Wardle's fantastic display rooms and the ACOTS crew:

Above are some pictures of the wargames on Bob's 24 foot table. From a distance you might think the figures were 28mm on a smaller table, but they are 54mm Hat, Blue Box, Italeri and Call to Arms.


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