The Next Wargame

As you can see from many of my last posts a fantasy wargame is on the horizon. I asked Ryan and Mat if they wanted a straight medieval game or a fantasy medieval game. Not surprisingly, given their interest in Warhammer, they opted for the fantasy angle.

I shall be using a similar scenario to the Gerolstein game with three sides. One of these will be the vampire count's undead army, reinforced with orks, ogres and giants, with possibly a few mutants, minotaurs and beast men thrown in. Ryan is keen to be this side. Another army will be equivalent to Warhammer Empire but in 54mm. It will be a mixture of ancient, medieval, through to English Civil War figures and cannons. Some dwarfs and elves will be allied to this side. The third army is going to be either crusader type or 'Eastern' Muslim type with Saracens, Arabs and even a war elephant.
If I run out of skeleton and zombie warriors, especially if Ryan's vampires summon extra ones, I am going to use units of Egyptians and other ancients in their place.

The rules will be based on Warhammer but simplified with ranges and movement increased for 54mm. I'll be photographing troops as I prepare them for the game in a few weeks time.

Work is keeping me busy so it will be a couple of more weeks away.


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