Evil Rampant, in the Empire's fringes.

A frightened villager reported seeing a headless ghost by his barn. The spirit screeched as the terrified man fled his home. The dead refuse to stay in their graves these days.
BUGs have also been reported from the elf kindoms - Big Unfriendly Giants.



  1. NICE! You used those bagged skeleton warriors!

    1. Thanks Scott. They are really nice figures and cost hardly anything. Ultimately I'd like to paint them all. The unpainted ones I gotr from Bob Bolton. He based them all and then decided not to keep them so I bougt them. He had a great idea putting some of them on Airfix or copies of Airfix horses.

      A future plan of mine is to combine skeleton heads with mounted knights.

      The purple clothesd foot skelton Crypt Guard are combinations of skeletons and HK copies of Britains knights with some Space marine shoulder armour-(even though its for 28mm it's large power armour so it works in 54mm).

      Most of the foot vampires are copies of Timpo knights with alien heads that look like Nosteramos! The mounted Vampire lord is the head of a hercules on a knight. The mount is a rare hard plastic knight's horse from the 1950s, I think!
      The banner is made from a fake tatoo on paprer background.


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