Current Projects

The 54mm Empire Great Swords are half painted. I've opted for a blue and white scheme, using my favourite blue Enchanted Blue by Citadel; the colour now has a new name but it is a bright, cheerful mid blue. I'm also finishing off a unit of Russians in yellow caps and some Bulgarians in brown uniforms and blue and green caps.

My Gerolsteiner army is receiving some new recruits which I'll photograph and upload in the next few days.

I'm also preparing my Warhammer 28 mm Vampire Counts army as it will be going into battle Wednesday nights at the local GW shop. Thursday nights I've been playing Warhammer 40k with either my Dark Eldar or orks or an alliance of the two. A campaign has been happening and one fellow has managed to field an Imperial Guard army of all tanks and has naturally won every game. I'm not sure how he passed this army list but with its six pie plates it was devastating. Even in a three sided game when the Grey Knight player and I ganged up on him he still managed to win, although my ork power claws and Dark Eldar dark lances managed to destroy three tanks, before the Grey Knight player turned on my forces!.

In addition I'm adding to my Fezian (read Egyptian-Turkish) army and hope to set up the Funny Little Wars game in a couple of weeks.


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