Redian Adventurer conversion

The basic figure was an old made in Hong Kong white hunter which was a copy of a  Speedwell figure. The head is metal, the rifle cut off and an Airfix Multipose one glued to his back. Putty neckerchief, revolver holter, bandoleer and water bottle have bee added.

Clive Nicholson is a man you would like to have around in a scrap, especially in the Redian colonies. On the other hand he is not one you would readily invite for dinner.

It is true that Clive is of the better sought of family with a smattering of blue blood. He also is a scholar of eight languages, ancient civilizations and primitive societies. However, his time spent in Dark Continent tropical jungles in the company of cannibals, pygmies and assorted headhunters has coarsened his manners.

His experience in suppressing inter tribal war and native rebellions has darkened his heart to the extent of turning a blind eye to indigenous allies 'unusual methods.' Clive added a few of his own after witnessing some massacres of Redian civilians in the Meow Meow Rebellion. (The Meow Meow Rebellion was triggered by the Redian governor's accidental running over of one of the Meow Meow tribe's sacred cats. The tribe is said to have been visited long ago by a pharaoh who brought the cats ancestors and the practice of cat worship.)

Clive is an expert with all kinds of firearms, unarmed and armed combat, assassination and operating behind enemy lines.
His attire is designed for comfort in the tropics but Clive makes few allowances for formal occasions. One exception is the spike in the cork helmet. Clive retains this even when in the jungle. He insists that it once saved a life. He was on an expedition to find a white woman, Maureen O' Donnovan who had vanished in the jungle. Rumour had it that she had been abducted by a mysterious white savage.  As it turned out the woman had fallen in love with the 'ape man' whose real name was Muller. His Amerigan parents had been marooned and later killed by great apes.

As it happened Clive encountered the white savage in a life and death struggle with the very same male ape which killed his parents. Despite his rippling muscles the white savage was about to have his throat torn out by his simian opponent. Clive could not shoot for fear of shooting the 'ape man' in the swirling combat. Instead he charged in and butted the ape with his helmet. The helmet's spike went into the beast's neck, cutting his jugular. It was Clive's wise decision to retain the spike on his helmet which had saved Muller. In return Muller had shown Clive his tree house and his jungle skills.

Currently Clive his serving in the Prince of Paddywack's army, particularly training the troops in the use of machine guns.


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