Countess Alexi's Translyvanian Wolf Rider Hussars.

I am working on a hussars unit for Trans-Slavania. Trans-Slavania includes a number of Slavic states ruled over by King Slobova. Transylvania, Borduria, Syldavia and Snookum Ookum are among the most prominent but the union is frequently fractured by bickering between the nationalities, especially Borduria and Syldavia which will one day go their separate ways.
Transylvania still has a strong feudal heritage and some of its units are contributed by local nobles, some of who have very 'colourful' reputations. Countess Alexi has even been linked to some less than savoury supernatural elements in her family but she does not shy from the vampire legends as the superstitious peasants are bound to her by them, either by reverence or fear. The Wolf Riders are her personal cavalry regiment.

The flag was taken from an old White Dwarf magazine and was an Imperial flag of Sigmar. I am in the process of customising it. I used my Internet translator and typed in Countess Alexi's Wolf Riders under the Romanian language to come up with Contessa Alexi's Lup Piloti. (Other Trans-Slavainan nations use the Crylic script).
The figures are AIP Crimean War British hussars with carbines etc. removed, the latter to be replaced with carbine buckets, some which were metal castings and others made from plastic weapons with putty added. This is to give a more modern appearance whilst maintaining archaic traits.
Transylvanian colours are black and red with the light green addition as a nod to their union with the other nations of the Confederation. The Wolf Riders wear wolf skin hats and saddle covers.
The flag bearer has an Airfix 7th cavalryman's arm welded to the body with a hot screwdriver, using the technique described by Jamie on his Harold's Rangers site.


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