Mexican Civil War 2

Above. Federal troops of the 'Army of the South' prepare to resist the 'Army of the North'.

Above: Army of the South lancers prepare to buy time. Below: Elite revolutionary Army North forces advance.
                                                ....reinforced by irregulars.
                                          Army of the North general and machine gun.


                                                Below: Army of the North advances.

The wargame was played with my daughter at her request. As I suspected, she got bored after the five moves of the first day so I completed the game mostly solo on another day. I then determined 'enemy' strategy by rolling a dice.

Alexi's side had five regiments to destroy my three so she had o go on the offensive. She did this in the middle and her right flank. I basically continued the strategy with the assault in the centre being crippled by my machinegun and rifle fire. The flank was a different story and three regiments used the Aztec pyramid as cover and converged on my one regiment in the corral.
My light artillery moved up to fire its last round of ammunition and then withdrew just prior to the melee. My rifle and cannon fire reduced the enemy but they overwhelmed them in the assault.

In the end I was left with one infantry regiment and my general taking positions behind the top of a hill. I had held on at the end of the designated ten moves.


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