Bob's Wars
I just returned from a wargaming long weekend in Adelaide. Bob Bolton hosted a Funny Little Wars game on Saturday with 680 figures. On Sunday we played a Crusaders versus Saracens game with 1200 figures.
The neutral country of Vogel was invaded by the forces of Rostoff and Fritzerland countered by the armies of Frommage and Bretannia. Below: Frommagian cavalry.
Vogel countryside and villagers
Rosstoff cavalry

Fritzerland Cavalry
Frommagian infantry roll up the Rostoff forces.
Rostoff infantry attempt to secure defensive positions.
Bretannians tread lightly with the Vogel locals.
Bretannians form square against Fritz cavalry.
Fritz cavalry fight Bretannian colonial cavalry.
Fritz forces
Bretannian defensive line.
Vogel civilians fire on Frommagian forces.
Frommagians advamce.
Bretannian and Fritx front
Fritz forces
Vogelian civilians moved off the roads.
Fritz forces
Bretanian gun
Vogelians sell popcorn to the invading Bretanians.
Frommagian cavalry
The pictures show how an army can be quickly assembled using DSG pre-painted figures that just need basing.
The set-up where we could bring on one unit at a time added to the excitement as each side raced to round up the cows/oxen to pull their limbers. Otherwise many guns could not come on as the draft animals had died from a disease. This meant that the artillery did not get much use until towards the end of the game.
The neutral country of Vogel was invaded by the forces of Rostoff and Fritzerland countered by the armies of Frommage and Bretannia. Below: Frommagian cavalry.
Vogel countryside and villagers
Bretannian battle line
Fritzerland Cavalry
Frommagian infantry roll up the Rostoff forces.
Rostoff infantry attempt to secure defensive positions.
Battlelines between Fritz and Bretannian forces
Fritz commanderBretannians tread lightly with the Vogel locals.
Bretannians form square against Fritz cavalry.
Fritz cavalry fight Bretannian colonial cavalry.
Fritz forces
Bretannian defensive line.
Vogel civilians fire on Frommagian forces.
Frommagians advamce.
Bretannian and Fritx front
Fritz forces
Vogelian civilians moved off the roads.
Fritz forces
Bretanian gun
Vogelians sell popcorn to the invading Bretanians.
Frommagian cavalry
The lads have their own names for their countries but Bob's Bretannia basically equals Redial and Paul's Rostoff equals Crussia - Armies Red and Dark Green. Dave Palmer's Fritzerland has obvious origins although it is a far more warlike country than the nation of cloclmakers. I left my own Balkan army behinf as I carried my belongings in a backpack which I hauled by train and even a spot of hitch-hiking. However, I used Bob's Frommage/Blusia army, largely made up of AIP and DSG FFL.
Dave's army is made up of AIP Prussians, re-painted Britains hollowcast and assorted others, typically in red tunics, white trousers and red caps. Paul's army was a mixture of his own troops and Bob's. Primarily they are AIP Russians.
The pictures show how an army can be quickly assembled using DSG pre-painted figures that just need basing.
My Frommagians benefited from Paul's misunderstanding that he could bring on half units of infantry only when he should have brought on the whole 24.
The set-up where we could bring on one unit at a time added to the excitement as each side raced to round up the cows/oxen to pull their limbers. Otherwise many guns could not come on as the draft animals had died from a disease. This meant that the artillery did not get much use until towards the end of the game.
Victory was determined by territorial acquisition, although the country of Vogel, which was the battleground between the four invading countries was less than impressed. In fact civilians took pot shots. Steve's Bretannians even rounded up the sheep in his quarter and gave them to the town folk to guarantee the beast's safety and to ingratiate himself.
A couple of the locals even shot at my troops and killed two of them. A stick of dynamite was also thrown but, fortunately, for my troops and my heavy cannon, did not detonate.
Frommage was a winner over Rostoff in this game and Fritzerland and Bretannia fought to a stalemate.
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