Dark Eldar Exploits

The Dark Eldar faced some interesting challenges recently. Some victories against Space Marines  and a loss were experienced. Also in a game against Space Wolves they faced a whole army in reserve, courtesy of their drop pods. I coped by placing my skimmers in cover, notably the landing platform. I had the move through cover leadership trait so this worked well.

I ignored the actual drop pods and slaughtered the Space Wolves with AP2 weapons. At the end of the game  Incubi charged the Space Wolves HQ which was depleted by the firing. Keith's force was entirely wiped out except for his drop pods. The latter targeted my troops holding an objective, routing them and thus leaving me holding no objectives in the last move. The game became a draw!
I also played two games against Danny's Demons. One game was a draw and in the other I nearly wiped him out by keeping out of range of his charges and shooting him with disintegrators. But at the end he held the objectives so it was a loss for me.

Last stage of battle: The drop pods did no damage to my skimmers but shot up the Dark Eldar troops behind the drp pod. In the middle you can see the Incubi charge.



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