Conversion material

No, I'm not about to become a 7th day Whatsit. This is about my favorite type of conversions - toy soldiers, although admittedly this approaches a deeply spiritual experience for me.

 The figures in the photo are a mixture of Airfix and copies of the same, a copy of Lone Star medallion figure and a Herald figure without base and broken pistol. Most or all of these figures are going to be material for conversions.
I particularly like the American WW2 figure charging and I have used him for conversions into totally different periods previously. The copies of Airfix are often slightly smaller than the originals.

I'll add to this post as conversions take place. The dearest part of the conversions is the putty, the figures obtainable for next to nothing.
The first conversions are of American dismounted cavalry of the Spanish American War. The rifles were modified with metal tubes to depict carbines. Belts are made of paper straps. The jackets could be cut down into shirts. The front top of the jacket had a neckerchief added.


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