Medieval and Fantasy Rules

I'm currently working on my own 1/32 Medieval rules, deeply influenced by the Chainmail rules that came out in the 1970s but with also a nod to Warhammer and ACOTS rules developed by Bob Bolton and Steve Wardle. Not everyone will like the idea of using tables; someone even said it was intolerably 'geeky' but didn't someone also say 'The geeks will inherit the Earth?' Or was that the ["meek?" Meek or geek it doesn't matter. It is always a struggle to develop rules that don't get so bogged down in detail that they become tedious calculations that last far too long and rules so simple that they are only a few steps removed from tiddlywinks but I am attempting a middle way. I'll keep you posted over the next few days as I have a Medieval game coming up this week.

Eventually I am going to include a fantasy version with all the usual suspects orks, elves, dragons and so on. In both the historical and fantasy versions I am going to have heroes and champions. Being a fan of Michael Moorcock's Elric series, Warhammer and also game of Thrones I am going to include characters from those worlds. My favourites are Sigvald from Warhammer, The Hound and The Mountain from Thrones and of course Elric of Melnibone. As this will be my world I can assimilate them all.

I am planning to make The Hound from one of my larger knights with a putty hound helmet. The figure I have already done of Sigvald actually looks a lot like Jamie Lannister. The dwarfs that come in the Parragon gladiator set tempt me to make a Tyrion conversion.


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