Yet More Aztecs

Above are five newly painted figures, Third from left is the made in Mexico Eagle knight with added club and loin cloth. The Jaguar knight has his standard removed and the wounded figure now has a club. The clubs were made from brass tube with putty added. At first they looked like big wooden spoons so I further beefed up the stone which ensconced in the wood. The bases are made from card with various grades of sand sprinkled on PVA before painting with acrylic sample pot paint which I keep for this purpose. It is highlighted with lighter sand colours. I went for the sand colour as the figures will often feature on the pyramid. However the Mexican made figure had disappearing foot detail so I disguised this by Super gluing some plastic plants, possibly from an aquarium, to the base.


                                    Above: a view showing the bulk of my Aztec collection.


  1. I like your aztecs warrior collection. Interesting and colorful. MAtbe you will be interesting to see this documental about La Noche Triste recreated by the artist Ruby Mercado. Is in spanish but maybe have subtitles; worth it. Here the link:


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