First Battle of the Bogavanian Campaign

         The king of Beerstein has decided to invade Bogavania, the apostate kingdom.
Below: Beerstein archers take position to shoot at Bogavanian crossbowmen.
                  View from the Bogavanian side of their right flank, threatened by a mixed force of Beerstein knights and crusaders and the fierce, pagan mercenary  Hill Men. Mounted heavy archers, originally from the Sultanate of Fez but long in Bogavanian service head towards the river.
                                                           Bogavanian right flank.
Bogavanian forces move from their left flank to the centre. Some medium mounted archers, a present from from the Khan of Chernitzia, take position to shoot approaching Beerstein mounted crusaders. They inflict little damage and will be destroyed in the crusader attack.

                                             Bogavanian halberd men enter a patch of forest.
                                      Beerstein forces move forward to meet the Bogavanians.
                                     The view of the centre from the Beerstein side.
                                                         The Beerstein left flank.

                 Bogavanian peasants, over confident rush forward to meet approaching crusaders!
Bogavanian archers.
                                                          Beerstein view of the centre.
                      Mat attempts to utilize all his forces on his left flank but they face a traffic jam.
      Remnants of Hill men mercenaries, on the Bogavanian side, are captured by Beerstein knights.  

                                           Beerstein forces cross the river on their left flank.
                                         Beerstein crusaders carve up Bogavanian peasants.
                                               Bogavanian archers fill the sky with arrows.

           Bogavanian, Lord Connoly runs for his life as his halberd men have been virtually wiped out. Nearby mounted crossbowmen cover his retreat.
          The campaign map. Lower right shows the meeting of Bogavanian (blue A) and Beerstein yellow D) armies.

I wanted to use maps for a campaign game, something I hadn't seriously attempted before. Although I had all sorts of plans for use of imaginary currencies, treasuries and so on so far we have begun with the most basic campaign game. I used the Games Workshop hexagon map, stuck it to some car with numbers at top and bottom and letters down the side. We had eight plastic tiddlywinks each, four of which were blanks. Each side had written down the starting point and third hexagon finishing point. We then checked to see if their were any matchups and removed our blank pieces. We had each piece represent an identical army so we could use the same figures for each tabletop battle. The only difference was that one army would include a king and the others included a hero who then became commander. We each had two castles, one of which was the capital and these were said to have small garrisons. After the initial map move it turned out that Beerstein had entered Bogavanian territory with three armies and an encounter occurred in a hex completely covered in marshes, although we added randomly generated, a small forest and a river and wide stream. Movement was universally reduced to half or a quarter.

Both sides had mercenaries, although the Beersteiners had more of these. Each turn a dice was rolled for each merc unit; if a one was rolled a table was consulted to see what they did. One of Mat's merc 'Hillmen' or Viking units changed sides! This was only right as a mistake had been made at the start and he had an extra unit he wasn't meant to have! Otherwise there were some cases of merc units on both sides refusing to move for one move but no others deserted or changed sides. The Beersteiners did well  on the flanks and the Bogavanians were massing cavalry in the centre for a breakthrough when Lord Connoly, the Bogavanian leader, retreated after failing, twice, his leadership, which was 12. It is no wonder, as nearly his whole unit of halberd bearing knights was virtually destroyed by a combined attack of Beersteiner knights and crazed Hill men. The Bogavanian army withdrew to the adjoining hex.

It is unlikely that the Beersteiners will wish to linger long in a Bogavanian bog so rest assured there will be more movement soon. I am unsure if armies will be able to leave units to garrison territory passed through to claim it or if it will be sufficient to have passed through such enemy territory to claim it. Any suggestions are welcome. The campaign continues next weekend.
Melo: A  Beersteiner hiredHill Man horde cross the  Stencher River to attack Bogavanian archers and peasants.

                                               Beersteiner hired Hill Men
                                                    Bogavanian mounted knights

        Beersteiner hired Great Swords prepare to withstand the Bogavanian charge which never happened.
                                          Bogavanian knights

                                                    Bogavanian Hill men surrender
                                                              Beersteiner archers
                           Lord Connoly flees the murderous, slavering Beersteiner hired Hill Men.
                                                         Bogavanian baggage train
                                                         Beersteiner baggage train.


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