Second battle for Bogavania - Battle of the Whispering Forest
One Bogavanian Army under Lord Dogert has withdrawn from the Beersteiner onslaught. Yet another Beersteiner army is preparing to attack a second Bogavanian force. The Beersteiners, led by their king, are infiltrating a Bogavanian forest and are about to take up positions there where the large numbers of Bogavanian mounted knights and bowmen will have their combat advantages reduced. As usual the Beersteiners have a strong force of sell swords as well as fanatical crusader orders bolstering their army.
Beersteiner halberd men attached to an archer unit steal through the forest.

Beersteiner knights move up the road to meet an onslaught of Easterner archers in Bogavanian employ.
Beersteiner crossbowmen
Hillmen mercenaries and Fezians in Bogavanian employ
View from the Bogavanian left flank
The flower of Bogavanian chivalry ride towards the enemy.
The Easterner horse archers plough into the Beersteiner ranks.
Hill men under Red Sonya smash into the Bogavanian peasants but it was a lure as the plate armored Fezians join the combat.
Bogavanian archers engage Beersteiner archers in arrow duels but the Beersteiners have the advantage of combat.
Fezians and peasants fight the Hill Men but the Hill Men hold their own. Red Sonya, however, falls from a grievous wound.
Beersteiner knights finally drive off the mounted bowmen
Beersteiner halberd men attached to an archer unit steal through the forest.
Beersteiner knights move up the road to meet an onslaught of Easterner archers in Bogavanian employ.
Hillmen mercenaries and Fezians in Bogavanian employ
View from the Bogavanian left flank
The flower of Bogavanian chivalry ride towards the enemy.
The Easterner horse archers plough into the Beersteiner ranks.
Hill men under Red Sonya smash into the Bogavanian peasants but it was a lure as the plate armored Fezians join the combat.
Bogavanian archers engage Beersteiner archers in arrow duels but the Beersteiners have the advantage of combat.
Fezians and peasants fight the Hill Men but the Hill Men hold their own. Red Sonya, however, falls from a grievous wound.
Beersteiner knights finally drive off the mounted bowmen
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