Army Cerise and Army Lime Green or Fiction and fact in Toy Soldier Land.

This time I have given the Japanese and Mexicans their respective Funny Little Wars names in the tradition of HG Wells. The flags are from the Virtual Armchair General and I highly recommend them. You can receive a set digitally for around ten dollars or slightly more for getting them by conventional post. Patrick has both various historical flags and these historical analogue ones. That is they have some resemblance to real flags but diverge in detail. I like the way they easily identify units with the numerals and they look better than the historical flags! The Mexican/Army Lime Green Army of the South flag had the numeral 2 changed to 3 and both flags have gold paint added to the edging. The paper flags were glued to aluminium to make them more durable,the aluminium coming from the numerous soft drinks my daughter consumes - the only redeeming aspect of her 'habit'.

I must admit that I generally research uniforms very thoroughly before painting my figures and the ones shown here are historically accurate for the early 20th century. However, by saying they are actually from some parallel universe I can use my fictitious names, flags and a mixture of uniforms from more than one war and some purely fictional uniforms, not to mention waging wars previously entirely unknown such as a War Between the States set in, say, 1909 and so on.

As mentioned in an earlier post, the Mexicans have had the lower legs carved into bare skin and sandals. I could also have added bandoleers but have not done this but may with some future figures.
I haven't done a whole unit of these particular Mexicans but will interchange the flag men to make a whole unit with the Japanese recruits until I have completed the unit. The only real difference is the yellow cap bands on the Japanese and red on the officer. other than that the Mexicans were given slightly lighter colored uniforms and less green on their bases. The skin tone is only slightly different as both are on the tanned side.

The Mexicn eagle, which looks a little like a parrot, is cut from a Supreme fantasy knight helm.

                                                              Below is Army Cerise.

                                                              Army Lime Green
                                                                Army Cerise
                                                           Army Lime Green flag


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