New Army Cerise/ Japanese Recruits
Above and below are the Airfix WW2 Americans converted and painted as infantry mixed with AIP. The flag bearer does not yet have his flag added to the staff.
Below: WW2 Germans from Airfix, Matchbox and copies converted to dismounted cavalry.Below: Engineers: Outer figures are converted from Charbens repro road workers. The central figure was a mechanic by an American company or a China copy of the same.
Officer variations. Left - ACW Accurate figure with cap changed and pistol trimmed to a later design. He has a transitional uniform with khaki cap but dark blue uniform. Right - copy of Airfix German painted in Summer train troop uniform. The cap and trousers were trimmed down and metal case cut off and sword added. A Timpo Luger was added as some semi automatics were used in the early 20th century.
I still have a Hotchkins machinegun to do and some other figures in the not too distant future.
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