Medieval Fezian and Bogavanian Conversions.

BELOW: These aer Fezians, converted from copies of Timpo Action Pack. They are slightly smaller than the originals. The head was given putty turnab around a helmet with point in the middle from a trimmed matchstick. The straight swords are replaced with curved ones and the sword scabbard made from additional curved swords. The ones with spears have new arms from swoppet Hong Kong copies of Timpo. The spears are copper or brass ones designed for 28mm figures but they look okay. The shiled had the lions trimmed off. Ideally, to look like medieval Turks which Fezia is an analogue for they should have round shields but Turkish controlled eastern European forces often had a mixture of styles.

   The Bogavanian peasants under Prince Maxfield have gathered both prestige and weapons from the recent siege of the Beersteiner capital. Here are some conversions from Biblical figures from a David and Goliath set with new heads from Made in Hong Kong swoppet cowboys and putty hair and fur hat. One has a putty bag for his supplies. the axe is a cut down Timpo long handled axe. One figure has the scale armour covered in putty and a hood worn off the head.


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