More Skeletons For The Closset

I got some new skeletons recently from E-bay. They are nicely sculpted but the plastic is so excessively soft that half of them will not stand. What I like about them are the musicians with giant shell trumpets - or are they hearing aides? The skeletons with wings are interesting although the wings appear too small to permit flight, although I guess they could be magic wings. After all how often do you see skeletons walking around without their attendant muscles, sinews, heart, brain, skin and other integral gear designed to make them stay together and move around? So small wings that make the skellies fly are not such a big jump!

Even though they don't stand well I'm glad I got them as I can base them or use them for spare parts. They are worth getting just for the skulls. Cut them off and use them for cannibal feast or head-hunter scenes, massacre sites, displayed victims on castle walls etcetera. or stick the heads on armoured knights for heavy duty skeletons.

The figures are made in China and the flexible nature of the plastic means there appear to be more poses than what there are. Also, in the second pack I received was a pose with two figures; these were not found in the first bag. Basically, they are fist shakers - seems a little un-skeleton like in behaviour except maybe in that movie Evil Dead sequel set in medieval times when the skellies appear to display a sense of humour, fear, anger and so on. I thought these figures were just defective, their shields not having come out but the shape of their axes is different to similar figures so I have concluded that they are different. I might cut and splice these blokes with my other Egyptian looking skeletons. I can see a couple of the shell trumpet arms coming off and being transplanted on the older skeletons. Necrolia is one of the countries near Beerstein and Bogavania, full of 'creatures of the night' and not the sort of place you would want to book a hotel but these bags of bones will feel right at home there.



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