Peace Breaks Out In Bogavania and Beerstein.

The re-capture of Jamesrick Castle would be the last battle of the campaign. Both sides had become exhausted form a battle filled year. As many as ten battles had been fought. The Beersteiners had the upper hand for most of the campaign but had suffered the reverse of failing to take the Bogavanian capital and temporarily lost its own capital. As Winter approached the campaigning season was over.

Prince Jaxon Lennoc had always been close to his father, King Karl. It is little wonder, then, that the rumors that he would leave the king to rot in a Bogavanian jail or to be executed while he took the crown, were false. The Bogavanians were aware of this and made a demand that most of the Beersteiner conquests be returned. The Beersteiners returned to Bogavania, Prince Rylan Maxfield, brother to the Bogavanian king. The adventurer hero, The Hound. and a few peasants and archers who were not among those prisoners massacred, were also repatriated. In addition, six of the eight captured land hexes were returned. However, Beerstein retained the captured Castle Mathers and negotiated a land corridor from there to Beerstein with an exchange of some coastal territory.

How long before hostilities resume? This is a question which will be answered in the future. What is known for sure is that both countries will look at their resources and how they can be used to strengthen their defences. For Beerstein there is suspicion of the intentions of Fezia in the East as it has long made clear its friendship for Bogavania. To the West and North there is Orkland which is a green-skinned threat to both Bogavania and Beerstein. To the North there is sinister Necrolia, a bleak unknown land populated by monsters and the un-dead. Then there is the land of Chaos with its demonic horrors. Close to Chaos is Asgardia, land of the Hillmen who hire themselves out to others but also have their own agendas.


The settlement was based on some random dice generation for character traits. Then  a list of possible peace treaty terms were made with percentage chances of acceptance of the terms. We used a hundred sided dice which looks like a golf ball.  The minimalist result was simply an exchange of princes which had a 95% chance of acceptance followed by inclusion of other prisoners, followed by various numbers of hexes of land, A complete return of all land had the least chance of success at 40% but because of the close tie between  royal son and father it was not a smaller percentage.

We will calculate how many  moves equal a season and a year and work out expenditures and the revenue raised by hexes mines, farms and random factors over the period of peace. Each player will determine how money is spent - raising troops of various types, building castles, ships and so on.

Once or twice a  game year we will roll the 100 sided dice with 100 chance possibilities. These will include possible events like plague, new inventions, magical weapons, sorcerers, clerics, rogue dragons, giants and monsters, raids or invasions by third parties, discovering new gold mines and even time travelers arriving through portals.

Also a dynasty dice roll will be made to see if there are any deaths and births, the chance of death increased by the age of the subject.

We also rolled for the number of new heroes and we each rolled six!



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