Paraguay Versus Argentina

The War of the Triple Alliance, 1864-1870 was initiated by the Parauayan dictator, Lopez and brought him into conflict with Brazil, Argentina and Uraguay. It ended with the death of the majority of Paraguay;s male population. A large number of child soldiers served in the army to make up the loses. The penalty for retreat was often execution and perhaps partly because of this but also because they had to defend heir country against invasion the Paraguayans were usually fearless in the face of the enemy and often suicidal in their charges. They were poorly armed but had high morale, The Argentinians were less enthusiastic but better armed.

When I was in Melbourne recently I acquired a handful of plastic ACW figures and as I had some putty I made some minor changes. The figures in havelocks depict Argentinian National Guard who wore uniforms almost identical to ACW Confederate ones from the early war years. The material was actually bought from the USA so I don't know if they were captured CSA stocks or from cloth for the early grey militia and volunteer uniforms of the North. They had white trouser stripes.

The Paraguayans had mostly shakoes although less commonly kepis were worn. A red pull-over shirt or jacket was worn and white trousers. Kilts and loin cloths were also worn and bare feet. I cut down shoes to sandals although even this is extravagant. Some were even bare chested.

I extended the kepis with putty. I am planning to include some bare chested figures by using American Indian and Celtic torsos. The uniform, particularly with kepis is almost identical to some JUarista uniforms from the Mexican Adventure. Have a look at the Osprey book on the topic and you will see the ease with which ACW or Mexican figures can be adapted so you can have multiple war uses for units. There are even Brazilian zouaves, although they are negroes. They could double as French colonial. Most Argentinian uniforms are dark blue and some look like French Foreign legion of that period, Some of the Brazilian uniforms look like Garibaldi types and I have some units that already fit the uniform, one representing a British volunteer unit in the Italian war and another being Imperial Mexican, both in Green and red.

      Argentinian blanket rolls were blue and worn around the packs. I can't say for sure that they were also worn across the body but it sound like a plausible alternative,


The following were meant for other wars but with flag changes they can be used for this war.

                              1/ British volunteers in the Italian wars.  (Accurate brand). The Osprey book shows green trousers and red jackets but white was a common color worn in the tropics so I would not be surprised if this was also worn.

                        Mexican Adventure imperial Mexicans (Conversions from Timpo Action pack). The Osprey book does not depict Brazilian troops in havelocks but they are plausible.

  ACW Feds in all dark blue make good Argentinians. There were some slight differences in facings.

                                 Brazil had zouaves, although they were Negroes. If I get around to doing some of this race they might double as colonial French troops.


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