From HK Indians to Light Chaos Cavalry

Light Chaos cavalry, the fast riding plunderers of many a peasant village, are runored to be in the service of Beerstein. This has been kept quiet by King Long Shanks due to objections from the church. However, he needs scouts to determine the presence of Bogavanian armies and ork and other raiders. It remains to be seen if these riders will remain loyal to Beerstein if there is a Chaos raid or invasion.


These figures were a creation of Robert Bolton after he went crazy with scalpel and glue gun and added some Napoleonic helmeted Helmet heads to some cheapo Indians. Wings were added to helmets and metal shields. The figures were placed on some nicer Britains and other horses.

It's funny that of all Bob's collection that, some years ago, I was drawn to these figures. I liked the operatic wings on the helmets and the way junk figures had been converted for a useful purpose, in Robert's case Barbarian cavalry for his ancient wars. ( He made them before Hat and Italeri brought out their ancient range).

Anyway I bought them from Bob a couple of years ago. Today I got them out of their storage and spruced them up for my fantasy medieval game. Another campaign is fast approaching for Matt and I to play, I wanted light cavalry for Beerstein but couldn't help noticing the shields reminded me of the bad guys in lord of the Rings. I happened to have an upsized flag from LOTR and glued it to the rider's spear or staff. I got some Games Work Shop Reikland Flesh wash and watered it down a little to add to the figures skin. I added some other facial details, including eyes, eyebrows and lips. I also always paint on the nipples! A few figures needed new wings on their helmets and I added a couple of putty cloaks to also strengthen some arms and shields. Some figures had blue tattoos added. I still need to paint the cloaks and new wings and tidy up the flag. Some PVA coating on arms and flag still had to dry when I took the pics..

So I am not sure if they will serve in Beerstein's army or Chaos or both. It depends if Chaos is summoned on our events percentage dice which is to be rolled every four moves. Matt and I presently have limited points generated by our map hexes to spend on troops but I thought some light cavalry might be just the ticket for scouting and sneaking up on siege weapon crews.

Below are some more pictures after the figures had some more work done, including the black of the flag painted over and the cloaks painted.

                                                     Encounter with a swamp worm.


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