Mystery Weird Cheapo Rambo Figure?

Last Sunday I perused the local Sunday market and found this odd figure, roughly 1/24 scale, a modern bare headed military figure with a very unmilitary haircut. At first glance i thought it was a female until I noted the very unfemale chest and shoulders. Then I remembered Rambo, the one-man long haired army. The only thing missing was the headband. The figure had lost its weapon. Anatomically one hand looked smaller than the other. The face looked fairly well sculpted.

I would be interested to know the intention of the maker of this figure and what the weapon was.

I am always fascinated by the unexpected odd figure and this one may get the attention of a paintbrush and some putty.

In the end I followed the suggestion that it could be a Flash Gordon type figure as some of the equipment was weird. Actually, it doesn't much look like Flash Gordon type equipment either but i went for the bright retro space colour scheme.

The weapons were GW and designed for 28mm figures but now they are just fancy pistols - atomisers, ray guns or whatever.


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