Bogavanian Medium Cavalry

I just finished this unit which is a mixture of 'heavy cavalry' and 'medium knights'. It will sound confusing but the heavy cavalry are less armoured than the medium knights as they have helmet and mail coat but the medium knights have full chain mail. They will serve as whatever is required for the scenario and will join Mat's forces. he seems to have favoured heavy cavalry and used them in the last battle, but did badly against plate armoured knights. as you would expect. on that occasion I used plate armoured figures to 'stand in' but now I have some appropriate figures. The heavy cavalry are Reamsa El Cid with putty fur added to helmets to suggest eastern Europe. The rest are a mixture of copies of Timpo Action Pack, HK swoppet knights, and a Starlux figure given a Timpo axe cut down and a horse that was part of a foam castle set i bought recently at a garage sale for five dollars. Other horses are mainly copies of Airfix. Some have copies of the Timpo hose cloth but others have been given real cloth blankets that came from a Japanese style craft desplay item (again, found at a garage sale), now put to a sensible use.The knights from castle set will go on different horses. the flag is, an Orthodeox Christian icon, probably Mary, here representing an image of the Maid of Bogavania, who appears to have gained sainthood.


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