If You Go Down To The Woods Today You're Sure To Find Some Peasants.

I just completed some new forest scenery. The first pictures feature the 'True Legends' trees hot glued to cup coasters picked up at a garage sale and a free gospel CD donated by a door knocking religious type.

The other scenic pieces are a more eclectic lot, but with a majority of Xmas tree pieces with a spray of green paint to cover 'snow' and parts where metal showed, all glued to place mats. Trees were spray painted matt black and then heavily dry brushed mid green, followed by a lighter green dry brush. trunks were painted brown and the base boards painted sand. A brown wash was applied to the bases and tree trunks. Later flock was PVAd to the bases.
Inhabiting these wilds can be seen the Maid of Bogavania leading the peasants, some who are becoming more organised with shileds and some armour. The flag also features the Maid and this flag has become increasingly common in Bogavania, even flown by nobles, which testifies to the living legend she has become. Beersteiners have been less kind, promising to "bury and burn the bastard bitch witch'.


  1. I remember when she was not so famous unloved and sitting on my shelf unpainted with a broken sword. When you asked me what i wanted to swap for her. I gave her to you not realising how famous she would be. The maid of bolgavania. she makes me proud.


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