Warrior Heroine - Christina De Lalaing or the Maid of Bogavania?

When I was in Adelaide Tony West gave me this Cafe Storm figure.  It is meant to represent, Christina De Lalaing, a wife of a knight who took up the leadership of the defence of her castle when her husband was away.It looked a little sad as it lacked a weapon and needed a new paint job. However, I saw a different heroine - the Maide of Bogavania, who, according to legend, inspired the local peasants, with the aid of the sacred mushroom, to push back a raid of slavering Hillmen. 

Although of illegitimate birth it has been established that her father was the knight Swartz, who later was severely wounded in battle against the Beersteiners. Her mother was a humble peasant. Although reluctant to officially acknowledge her he took a keen interest in his daughter and even taught her some tricks with a sword. She has also been known to don some armour. Her main value in war, however, is her ability to rouse the peasantry against foreign invasion. Nearby she rouses their courage; in the front line she makes them fanatics.


  1. She looks good with an awesome paint-job..why did i give her away? what was i thinking? Now i remember that sacred mushroom James gave me 5 minutes before he asked me what i wanted to swap for her....

  2. But if you had not given her away she would still be languishing with an awful paint job and a broken sword!


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