Yah Mule!

It occurred to me that my armies faced problems when reliant exclusively on wagon based supplies as absence of roads could make wheeled transport problematical. So pack animals were the answer. To add to the pack animals I have painted the 'treasure-box horses' from the recently acquired pirate accessory sets and the Replicant mules.

The pirate set horses are hollow hard plastic made from two halves stuck together in the factory. Filler, or extra paint can fill any gaps. These horses are huge for 54 mm or even 60 mm scale but i envisaged them as some special royal horses bred for their size and strength, an extra large Clydesdale type.

The Replicants mules look particularly stubborn, espYecially as they are in a stationary pose.

I haven't sprayed the beasts with the artist;s fixative yet which is why the paint finish is too flat - I like a slight sheen on such animals.


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