The Russians are coming - WW2 Russians

I'm not big on WW2 but I liked the Engineer Basevich figures. Yonks ago I was asked to show them next to an Airfix figure so here they are - I might takes my own sweet time but I keep a promise. I was waiting until I painted them. There are two figures missing here because, typically, they are lost in my garage somewhere. The figure have great detail and the female figures captured my interest, just as 'full scale' ones do! The female medic is also painted and hiding somewhere on my work bench or wargame table or on the floor. I'll post a pick when I find it and the other male figure.

My only criticisms are that sometimes flash obscures detail such as on one of the female figure's faces and it had to be carefully carved away so that I ended up cutting off some chin which then required some judicious plastic surgery with liquid green stuff. Also, one of the sub machine gunners looks like he has a double barreled piece. Also the figures worked out around $50 a set plus postage. The latter was okay at around ten dollars and the supplier was reliable. Limited production increases price, apparently, as the molds have a limited life.

Anyway, as you can see, the figures go nicely with Airfix and add character to a Russian army. You can see the figures unpainted in an earlier post.

I'm reasonably happy with my paint jobs. I have been using acrylics for many years now. However, I notice that transition between shading and highlights is less subtle, especially on faces so I am almost tempted to use enamels or oils for these again. Yet the stink of turpentine, slower drying time and inflexibility of paint on flexible plastic and the toxic nature of it on skin puts me off this strategy.

I just had a look at the figures close up and noyiced the undercoat was coarser than usual - pretty poor for a games Workshop spray. Also the saluting girl has one crossed eye. I'll need to do a little re-painting. hell, maybe I'll strip off all the paint and start again! That's what a little self criticism does! i was only joking about stripping the paint. I still have several other figures of assorted periods I want to paint.


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