Mexican Arsonist

Now that got your attention I bet. No, the guy is not attacking a Trump rally. He is intended for my Funny Little Wars Army Lime Green. He could be topping up the generalismo's car or engaging in some unspecified destructive activity. He is intended for the early 1900s but someone will probably tell me that Jerry cans were not invented then.

The figure had a construction site helmet which is being turned into a sombrero. The vest reminded me of a poncho so I extended it at the back. I also added a carbine from a cheap swoppet figure. I could have cut down the shoes into sandals but in the end left them as is. I'll post a pic when it is painted.


  1. Good conversion James. How can you paint and convert so many since ACOTS? You're a painting machine my friend.

  2. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


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