The Battle That Wasn't - Hex 146 - The Obama Peace Treaty.

There had long been animosity between the Beersteiners and Fexians. The later had long since denied entry to their lands by pilgrims wishing to venerate certain holy sites. The Beersteiners had included some Fezians in their victims of the Inquisition as they were regarded as devil worshippers. (The Fezians had also scant regard for Bogavanian religion and practices, notably their ritual imbibing of certain hallucinogenic fungi. However, they tolerated and even aided the Bogavanians on occasion as they were considered preferable to the brutal crusader orders that had ravaged the Fezian border in the past).

It was with this background that the Fezians launched their second invasion of Beerstein. Like the first it was doomed. The first invasion threatened the Eastern Beersteiner castle but the lightly armoured Fezians could not prevail against their better armoured enemy.

This time a plague had seriously reduced the numbers in this second Fezian army. General Obama arrived in South Eastern Beersteiner with nine regiments; another nine had simply vanished, first from a crippling plague associated with their proximity to a fetid morass and then by an evil green fog which descended on them. Rumors had spread of sorcery and more soldiers vanished, despite the threat of the most horrible terminal punishments. The Fezian heroes mounted on the best of fezian horseflesh were:
Lunad Badoonk (light armour0
Api Poondoo (medium armour)
Ali Babob (heavy armour)

2 mounted Heavy Plate
2 Plate Foot
I Medium foot
3 Light Foot

King Long Shanks has rushed South/East to deal with this imminent threat, leaving the North Eastern road open to two Bogavanian armies about to unite as a fearsome force threatening another Beersteiner army and two castles. Longshanks would learn of this threat later but fist he must deal with the Fezians. The route lacked roads and required long Shanks leave his siege weapons behind. However, he had twelve strong units, including longbows and plate armoured troops. AND he had the captured Vizier (form his previous battle). As it turned out Vizier was a much loved uncle of General Obama. lacking superior numbers and wanting to save his uncle Obama agreed to terms to withdraw from Beersteiner territory with his uncle.


We used our percentage dice to roll for chances of he vizier and general being related and added this to the chances of him agreeing to withdraw. In the enf there was around a 70% chance of terms being accepted and they were.


The presence of the Fezians made a Bogavanian threat greater as the king was pre-occupied. However, if the Fezians had not withdrawn the Beersteiners would be in serious trouble even though they would most likely defeat the Fezian force. There would be fewer Beersteiner soldiers left to deal with the Bogavanian Eastern threat.


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