Fezians Crush Aztec Rebellion
The second rebellion in Aztecia has again been crushed by Fezia.
The Aztecs attempted to drive the Fezians from two of their pyramid temples before they could be reinforced. The Aztecs were surprised by the Fezians going on the offensive instead of waiting for their reinforcements. The Fezians were confident in their one true god, Luna but it was their armour which gave them victory against the lightly attired Aztecs. The latter fought gallantly, especially with the presence of their charismatic leader, Morning Hummingbird but they could make little impact on the enemy's chainmail and plate. Even greatly superior numbers did not much help them. Obstacles of terrain also hindered the Aztecs from bringing their full numbers to advantage.
Below: The view from the Aztec side.
Fezian chainmail armoured troops advance through the jungle.
The massed Aztec army
Fezian temple garrison light cavalry advance to meet the Aztecs.

Fezian view from the temple 'Steaming Blood', renamed 'Grand Lunar' by the Fezians. The temple is situated next to 'Square Lake'.
Aztec elite warriors eagerly hasten forward to join battle with the enemy.
More Aztecs surge forward.
Aztec bowmen, positioned in the jungle cause many casualties among the Fezian lights.
Aztecs attempt to jointly attack the Fezian armoured column but one regiment baulks and the other is, initially made to take the brunt of the assault.
The Fezian rear guard
The Fezian 'Yellow Lunatics' engage the Aztec archers, who make good use of their position and eventually defeat the fanatics.
Aztec archers and slingers are caught by the Fezian armoured column before they can do much damage with their missiles.
Fezian mounted bowmen drive back the Aztecs.
Fezian halberd men relentlessly push back the Aztecs.
The Aztec archers, much diminished, after defeating two regiments of Fezian lights sends a few shots into the next advancing column of foot plate. Little known to them, the Fezian commander is alone behind a thin stretch of jungle, a much more fortuitous target were it only possible.
The Fezian commander looks at the Tears of the Sun temple he has retained control over. It will be re-named Meduna,after a Fezian holy place. There is no god but Luna/
The Game Setup:
Mat was the Fezians, fitting as so far the Fezians have made no hostile actions against Bogavania and have aided it by its incursions into Beersteiner territory.
Mat won the initial dice roll to see who went first but as my commander had superior intelligence a re-roll was called for, giving the Aztecs first move. It didn't do them much good.
Each move a dice was rolled to see if the Fezian commander was ill or hesitated. Uncharacteristically this never occurred and the supposedly cautious commander was very forceful in going on the offensive, keeping the Aztecs on theback foot and away from their temples.
In a crash painting splurge I painted about 50 new Indians to add to the Aztec army. They were not quite completed but had a basic paint job. I'll finish them later in case another war. involving them occurs. Most likely though. the Aztecs will be auxiliaries in the Fezian army.
The Aztecs attempted to drive the Fezians from two of their pyramid temples before they could be reinforced. The Aztecs were surprised by the Fezians going on the offensive instead of waiting for their reinforcements. The Fezians were confident in their one true god, Luna but it was their armour which gave them victory against the lightly attired Aztecs. The latter fought gallantly, especially with the presence of their charismatic leader, Morning Hummingbird but they could make little impact on the enemy's chainmail and plate. Even greatly superior numbers did not much help them. Obstacles of terrain also hindered the Aztecs from bringing their full numbers to advantage.
Below: The view from the Aztec side.
Fezian chainmail armoured troops advance through the jungle.
The massed Aztec army
Fezian temple garrison light cavalry advance to meet the Aztecs.
Fezian plate armoured foot cavalry charge into the Aztecs who shoot obsidian headed arrows at them before meeting the assaults. The Aztecs wish to lure the enemy into a trap but it takes too long to kill them.
Fezian view from the temple 'Steaming Blood', renamed 'Grand Lunar' by the Fezians. The temple is situated next to 'Square Lake'.
Aztec elite warriors eagerly hasten forward to join battle with the enemy.
More Aztecs surge forward.
Aztec bowmen, positioned in the jungle cause many casualties among the Fezian lights.
Aztecs attempt to jointly attack the Fezian armoured column but one regiment baulks and the other is, initially made to take the brunt of the assault.
The Fezian rear guard
The Fezian 'Yellow Lunatics' engage the Aztec archers, who make good use of their position and eventually defeat the fanatics.
Aztec archers and slingers are caught by the Fezian armoured column before they can do much damage with their missiles.
Fezian mounted bowmen drive back the Aztecs.
Fezian halberd men relentlessly push back the Aztecs.
The Aztec archers, much diminished, after defeating two regiments of Fezian lights sends a few shots into the next advancing column of foot plate. Little known to them, the Fezian commander is alone behind a thin stretch of jungle, a much more fortuitous target were it only possible.
The Fezian commander looks at the Tears of the Sun temple he has retained control over. It will be re-named Meduna,after a Fezian holy place. There is no god but Luna/
The Game Setup:
Mat was the Fezians, fitting as so far the Fezians have made no hostile actions against Bogavania and have aided it by its incursions into Beersteiner territory.
Mat won the initial dice roll to see who went first but as my commander had superior intelligence a re-roll was called for, giving the Aztecs first move. It didn't do them much good.
Each move a dice was rolled to see if the Fezian commander was ill or hesitated. Uncharacteristically this never occurred and the supposedly cautious commander was very forceful in going on the offensive, keeping the Aztecs on theback foot and away from their temples.
In a crash painting splurge I painted about 50 new Indians to add to the Aztec army. They were not quite completed but had a basic paint job. I'll finish them later in case another war. involving them occurs. Most likely though. the Aztecs will be auxiliaries in the Fezian army.
We spaniards have a sickness in our heart that only gold can cure..Hernan Cortes.
ReplyDeleteCortez was a hero of mine in my childhood. Mexico should have been called Cortezia.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you ever red the Casca series but in that Viking types did battle with Aztecs, something I'll do in a wargame one day. I saw the travelling Aztec display at Melbourne museum and sketched the exhibits - they have a very morbid and sinister beauty entrenched in gods of death.