Lex Luthor and the Battle Of The Palisade

The second battle of Campaign Seven involved a small Beersteiner force invading Bogavanian territory and contacting a Bogavanian force intent on invading Beerstein. The Bogavanian force was a third bigger than the Beersteiner force once the local longbow armed peasants were factored in.

The Bogavanian peasants, under direction of their local lord built a hast palisade around .some of their homes and waited for the Beersteiners.

Lex Luthor, the Beersteiner, commander, was not falling for it! Although his orders from King Lector (Longshanks) called for him advancing further South to link up with Beersteiner forces from the Southern provinces he also had instructions to go on the defensive if he encountered a significantly stronger force.

The Bogavanians were strong in missile troops, including the new weapons created by Leonardo De Caprio, the matchlock muskets. They also has small units of crossbowmen and long bowmen as well as ample mounted troops and knights. They also matched the Beersteiners in artillery.

The Pictures:

 The Bogavanian forces. In the foreground is a large catapult, apparently of Chaos or Necrolian manufacture. How it came into Bogavanian hands is a mystery. In front of it is a small force of crossbowmen, a small and large force of matchlock men and a force of mounted knights. Further to the front and left are more mounted forces, including knights and also long bowmen. The village houses with palisade is close to Beersteiner forces arriving from the North.
                                    Beersteiner forces move through or take positions behind the Northern part of the Bogavanian village. Their supply wagons have been left in a nearby Beersteiner village.
                                    The view from the Beersteiner end of the field.
  Beersteiner light archers move to take position behind light cover, supported by foot knight and Great Swords.
                                  The Bogavanian peasant archers secure within their palisade.

                                        Bogavanian mounted knights charge forward.
                                 The Beersteiners prepare to receive a charge.
                                     Bogavanian children watch from their hut.
                                      The Beersteiner position looks solid.
      A number of Bogavanian mounted knights and also matchlockmen fall to archery fire from the light archers. Then the Bogavanians charge into the Beersteiner foot knights but although driven back they hold and overcome the Bogavanians due to greater numbers.
                                    Meanwhile a column of Bogavanian foot knights and mercenary Hillmen axemen  advance towards the Beersteiner heavy arhers. the latter had been causing grief among the Bogavanian heavy cavalry
                But the archers move back and the Beersteiner mounted knights charge forward to drive a whole unit of Bogavanian knights from the field. The Hillmen axemen then charged into the Beersteiners making bloody havoc with their two handed axes. The Beersteiners retaliated and their great horsemanship and martial ability won the day as they utterly wiped out the Hillmen.

   Beersteiner halberd knights pursue Bogavanian knights withdrawing after losing many of their number to the archery from the Beersteiner heavy archers.
  Then a tragedy occurs for Beerstein. The impetuous mounted knights, fresh from their two victories, charge the retreating enemy foot knights and fall short, their horses winded. The Bogavanians rally and charge into the Beersteiners,wiping them out! The Beersteiner halberd knights then charge through the trees and decimate the remaining Bogavanian knights!
                                Bogavanian crossbowmen and matchock men have advanced forard.
                                  Closing moves. The Beersteiner heavy archers still have a solid wall of deterrence. The beerteiner cannon and catapult have sent some ruination into the enemy archers. The Bogavanian light archers have retreated after suffering casualties from crossbowmen and matchlockmen. The Great Swords prepare for any further Bogavanian advance.
                     The Bogavanian cannon arrived too late to be involved in the battle.
                       Bogavanian peasants breathe a sigh of relief that the Beersteiners have not targeted them - this time...


The Beersteiners were cautious, given the superior Bogavanian numbers and it paid off. The Beersteiners did not engage in a costly assault on the palisade, instead mostly staying out of range of the peasant long bowmen. The Beersteiners disrupted the Bogavanian advance before withdrawing once the Bogavanian firing line became more lethal.

By the end of the battle the numbers on both sides was near equivalent as the Bogavanians had suffered most casualties. The battle is best described as a draw. The Bgavanians possessed most of the field but were stopped from advancing into Beersteiner territory and part of the Bogavanian village remained in Beersteiner control. The Bogavanians also could have done with a victory to capture Beerstienr supplies as their own supplies are limited.. The Beersteiners, for their part, had been stopped from advancing further South but had followed orders to make a defensive position in face of a bigger force.


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