Ho, Ho, Ho - HO scale That Is.

These have been sitting in a box under my wargame table for a number of decades. These are mainly Airfix figures and some Esci converted and painted them in the 1970s and early 80s mostly when I was a teenager. Most of them represent ACW regiments, particularly for First Bull Run when there was a lot of variety of volunteer uniforms.

My friend Pete collected Confederate and  had I had Yankees. We brought whatever we had painted for our games but we didn't really learn the rules, which were from Terry Wise. These were small scale figures for 'serious wargames' although we had both, previously played with 54mm plastic toy soldiers and various projectiles.

The cavalry, in particular suffered from broken horse legs. The figures are now somewhat brittle.The Ohio unit with havelocks were conversions using tissue paper coated in liquid model glue. Some figures are converted from Napoleonics.

Unfortunately my camera doesn't do them justice but all have their little bitty eyes painted with whites and irises.


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