New Conversions painted - Scottish ECW, Chaos Champion From Wrestler And More

As usual here is quite a mix. I'm always moving on to a new project before the other is finished.

Here is the cheapo figure from the pirate set. The waist sash was so substantial I decided to paint it as tartan. I was making a generic ECW type figure and read somewhere about Scottish involvement in the war. Anyway its the kilt one is having without the kilt. In any case he will be a Beersteiner so I'm not pursuing 100% historical accuracy.
                   This one started as a wrestler but now he is a Hillman or a Chaos warrior.
                                  This bloke was from a set that came out in the 8os, I think. Anyway, my more weird looking figures that fight for Chaos, generally have a grey-purple skin.
               Another one from the cheapo pirate set now a dwarf warrior.
                          I really like the mounted version of the cavalier. The reign is from fuse wire. The figure was fiddly to make into a mounted figure which deters me from making a unit but eventually...

                                                Another pic of the ECW .
                                        ... and next to the other conversion of the imposing Fezian.


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