A New Bunch of Conversions From My Fevered Imagination - Time For Your Pill James

Prospective conversion material: in the end I picked three Indian bowmen.
                                             Mounted cavalier adapted from foot figure.

                        Captive  HK cowboy into medieval captive. (I already have another version of this).
        Pegasus. This nice winged horse has great armour, so much so that another horse I just trimmed the wings off and used it as a regular knight's mount. This one I decided to use as an actual Pegasus but I found a source of bigger wings (actually still to small to look like they could lift a large animal like that but maybe they are assisted by magic!) removed from the action figure at right. Eventually I am going to use it as a 'bad' Pegasus mounted by a sorceress, probably a 54mm Dark Elf wych. (Yeah, in Warhammer usage that's the spelling).
     I mentioned, in a recent post the cheapo pirate sets. At left is one of the figures I originally thought to make into an ork. Now it is a Fezian eunuch with new weapon and turban. Two goblin archers are at front. Behind is a wrestler changed into a Chaos hero. At right is another pirate serving as a dwarf. My dwarfs have a mish mash of armour and clothing. The helmet is off a Timpo figure and a holster has been added. The gun looks like a retro SF pistol but it looks so cool that I left it.
                           Toyway Greeks. These are really nice figures, although often with bendy weapons and legs. They don't come with sword scabbards so I added these, cut from a comb. One of the figures with a helmet in his hand has had it removed and a sword will be placed in his hand instead. The middle figures have variously a sword lengthened with putty and a sword in scabbard added. The hilt of the latter was made with putty. The two right handed figures have not been changed, other than the basing.

                       A newly discovered beasty: The top half of the head was added to the Chaos hero's headgear so I gave this big cat a new head from putty and with horns added (the latter were cut from an old plastic Warhammer dwarf head. The idea is that it is a part reptile part mammal predator.

   So here is what I did with the Indians - Indians no more but Bogavanian archers - read Eastern European medieval.


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