More Russian Made Vikings

After seeing these figures previewed by Stads I decided to order three sets. I could not find a maker's name which is a shame as they are fantastic.

The foot figures are just over 60mm and the riders are close to 54mm but the magnificent proud looking horses are largish.

Below are the three mounted figures, identical, part you can move the tail and heads of the horses to vary the poses. The horses are hollow and screwed together with two screws that can be easily covered over with some putty. The two outer horses show their heads turned. Some putty and a little trimming can make the poses more effective.  The pods beneath the hooves give a good contact point to glue the horses to card bases orto provide stability if left as is. I like the rider with his horned helmet. If his legs are pained as bare skin he will look very Conanesque. Of course you can cut off the horns too. I pose a DSG Viking alongside to give an idea of size. The Russian made horses are a little bigger than the DSG ones and the riders slightlly taller than the DSG riders, although the latter have bulkier heads.

                               The foot figures look like they mean business as only Vikings can. My favorite is the one with double headed axe. I don't know how common such axes were as they would have provided a lot of unwieldly weight but they look good. I am going to reduce one figure's two handed ax into a one header.


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