Ruritanian/Confederate Offcer Conversions From Britains Hollowcast

Among the many old hollowcast figures I have bought from my friend Palmersaurus are quite a few ACW hollowcast, including two unusual officers.

In the pictures they have already been modified and painted by me. The particular figure is a Britains officer with movable sword arm. It was used for both sides in the ACW as well as British colonial types, hence the puttees; I painted over these a few times to conceal the puttees and to represent boots. The ones I bought were in Union colors. One of them had a broken pistol. Someone had already roughly extended the coats with putty.

I needed some Ruritanian officers and as some of  my Ruritanian regiments are similar to Confederates they would do.

The only structural additions I made were to extend the holsters as they were undersized and to convert the broken pistol into binoculars; I also added a putty binoculars case. I used GW green putty. The result is a little rough but not too bad. The binoculars also had a fuse wire strap added.

The paint colors pretty much follows Confederate colors so I can also use them as Confederates. Only the brass shoulder scales are unusual.

I think a pose where a figure points with binoculars might be unique. So there you have it. the two figures were fairly beaten up and already messed with and now they have a more pristine finish and new lives in my wars.


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