Retro Space Soldiers

Many of us remember the old 50s and 60s boys; annuals with the obligatory 'space adventure'. The 'Space soldiers' would often be dressed in bright colours and metallics. (Another type, going back to the 1920s, like those in the Burroughs Martian and Venusion stories has warriors looking like ancient warriors, Incas or Aztecs but with both swards and ray guns or something equally unusual. This might be a future project).

Most of the figures pictured here were featured in an old post; cheapo civilian workers were converted and painted to resemble the retro spacemen. The drills have become rayguns.
The other conversion is the one shown in a recent post and is made from a torso and bottom from two cheapo WW2 GIs. As mentioned in the other post the top half is a copy of a Timpo figure.


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