Gerolstein Grenadier Guard Conversions

I have quite a few Cresent and other British guardsmen and as they are obtained quite cheaply I decided to give some a new use. I especially like the Cherilea guardsman as he was a mis-mould with his head tilted to one side. I have filled in the rifle where there is lost detail. Another option would be to use Zulu War Brits and change headgear with putty or head swaps. They are going to be painted blue and red like the Hilco metal figures still being painted.

The Hilco metal figures I obtained already stripped of paint and undercoated with gold paint so I added a white spray undercoat after adding some new equipment. Putty was mainly used and metal backpacks.

I have used a basic old toy soldier look but with a little more detail, especially on the face.
The cuffs will be red with white trim but it is easier to paint the white first.


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