Steam Punk Blusian Officer From Britains Detail FFL

As I mentioned in an earlier post I have a heap of damaged Britains, Detail FFL I got from Bob, including a lot of officers; they all have broken pistols, no bases and some with no lugs on their feet. Usually I'd just replace the weapons with historical revolvers and swords and hot glue the figures to some card bases. This time I went one stop further with one figure.

                                                                  The raw material
                                          Conversions: The left hand figure is the more radical conversion as he has been given a Warhammer 40K pistol (after the handle was trimmed to fit) and a putty breast plate. I had seen some 28 mm figures of Steam Punk Victorian Brits with these. I also added some Historex spare parts, including the imperial eagle to the breast plate. I figured he is going to be faced with ambushes by Martians with swords so why not give him an edge in protection? The pistol has either been acquired from the Martians dwindling stocks or reverse engineered by Blusian scientists. The DSG sword has some putty added to close the handle.

The right hand figure is less radical. I cut down the cap to represent a soft lower crowned kepi. I cut off a little too much so I added some putty to the right shape. He still has to be given his weapons.
                                         Here they are undercoated.

                            And here they are nearly finished. The officer with the SF pistol needs a bigger holster which I'll ad from putty.

An interesting point came up on a Facebook discussion that FFL officers did not have white kepis as the officers were 'on loan' to the FFL; the kepis were red and dark blue. However, unless, I am mistaken white cloth covers with neck shades (havelocks) were worn in the tropics by officers as well as other ranks in the 19th century and early twentieth century or just the kepi was worn without cover. I'm not sure if the officer's kepi was ever worn with just neck shade, as depicted in the Britains  Detail figures. Does anyone know?

I would be very interested if anyone can tell me that the officers never wore havelocks although 'never' would cover a long period of history and a lot of individuals. Given the tropical heat I doubt if they would always forgo the havelock. I think that in Mexico they might have worn straw hats as well, Of course, they wouldn't wear breastplates either. But in my fictional steam punk scenarios they can wear whatever I decide I want them to wear.


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