An Edwardian Lady Gets Rhinoplasty.

In this case it was nose augmentation rather than reduction; I should have known I could not abide a noseless figurine even though i had just recently painted her.

Recently i discovered Tamiya putty; it comes in a squeezable tube like the Testors putty I used to use It is a softer mushy ier putty than green Stuff and is just right for adding fine detail like noses and moustaches. iused to use liquid cement to shape my Testors putty but didn't have any on this occasion.I used the tip of my craft knife to shape it.

You can see the grey putty on the first two.

   I still wasn't quite happy with the nose here and did  little more work on it. The nose was a bit crooked.

The shape of the nose varies each time this method is used. in this case it ended up looking a little 'Jewish' in shape which just gives her a different character. I like my figurines to have differing features.

In any case I often come across plastic figurines that hve lost noses and metal home castings that barely had noses to begin with because to much lead was used in the mix.


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